
(802) 582-9719

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM



Gift Certificate

Balance Takes Conscious Awareness

My healing practice works on four levels: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. The goal is to encourage a flow of energy throughout your being to help release any trapped trauma. By engaging this positive approach, which utilizes both massage and reiki, we can activate and promote healing so you can move forward to a pain-free lifestyle.

Injuries and stress can hold us back from achieving our best outcome in both our work world and our personal environment. The way to combat this disturbance is through conscious awareness. We must slow down and remember we are not machines; we are meant to find the calm, breathe, and meditate to operate successfully. Otherwise, we may cause ourselves harm, and we cannot be expected to flourish in this increasingly elevated state. Not only can our body suffer, but our work and our relationships can falter, as well as, our sleep patterns.

I’m determined to put my clients on the path to a restored lifestyle and to remind you that you’re in control and can create the balanced life that you desire.